c Faculty Research with Student Survey Name: First Last Today's date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Your job title:When did you begin your research project with this grant? (MM/YY)How many students did you work with on this research project?Describe your working relationship with the student(s) in this project. What role do the students play?Title of your research project:What do you hope your research project will accomplish?Is your project complete? Yes No When did you complete it?When do you expect to complete it?Have you published? Yes No Where?(Name, date, and type of publication, e.g., journal, book, book chapter, etc.)Describe:Discuss plans, if any:Have you discussed your research project with others at seminars, panels, etc.? Yes No Describe:Discuss plans, if any:How has the HBCUM program helped your research project?Is there anything else you’d like to tell us? Δ