c HBCUM Student Survey Name First Last Today's date MM slash DD slash YYYY Do you have a bachelor's degree? Yes No Major(s):Minor(s) (if applicable):Are you currently, or have you been, a school teacher? Yes, I used to teach. Yes, I am currently a teacher. No. What subject(s) did you teach?What grades did you teach?What degree do you currently hold?What subject(s) do you teach?What grades do you teach?What degree do you currently hold?In your graduate program, what is your major(s)?Check which of the following you are enrolled in: MAT teaching Med STEM teaching MBA Nursing I’m not sure. Other Other:Briefly describe where you are in your studies.For example, “I am a senior undergraduate and plan to work on my master’s degree in Information Technology next year,” or, “I will finish my MBA in 2021.”How did you learn about this program?What, if any, incentives, enticed you to enroll in this program?What do you hope to gain in this program?What is your ultimate goal when you complete this program?For example, “I want to teach biological science in middle school” or “I want to be a nurse.”)Is there anything else you’d like to tell us? Δ