c Student Clinical Experience Survey Name: First Last Today's date: MM slash DD slash YYYY When did you enter the HBCUM program? MM slash DD slash YYYY When did your clinical experience begin? MM slash DD slash YYYY Did your clinical experience end? Yes. No. I'm not sure. Please explain.When did your clinical experience end? MM slash DD slash YYYY Where is your clinical experience?What grade(s) are you teaching? K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 What subjects are you teaching?About what percentage of time in the classroom do you spend teaching or helping the teacher?How do you prepare for the classroom?What do you like best about your clinical experience?What would you change, if anything?Are you able to apply the things you've learned in the FSU classrooms to your clinical experience? Yes No If yes, describe.Would you recommend the clinical experience option to another HBCUM student? Why or why not?Please tell us anything else you'd like to about your experience as an clinical experience. Δ